M-Anitra app is a digital platform for Mithun, to get Mithun farmers information on request. M-Anitra helps easy and swift Mithun monetization for free of cost. M-Anitra helps Mithun farmers to keep track of the overall condition of Mithun on a single platform.
Different functions M-Anitra can support are as follows:
Registration of Mithun Farmers or Community or Society
Mithun owners are registered as Mithun Farmers in the app either as individual Mithun Farmer or as a Mithun Society.
Registration of the Mithun
Mithun can be registered on to M-Anitra App along with INAPH tag for data traceability through block chain
Information of mithun to be updated on M-Antira
Update Mithun Details: Whenever required, farmer can update Mithun details like age, vaccination, disease occurrence, medication, calvings, etc. to maintain Mithun database upto date.
All important and alerting information concerning Mithun farming will be notified or communicated through M-Anitra App Notifications, for knowledge empowerment of the farmers.
Mithun Marketplace
M-Anitra provides a platform to get Mithun farmer information on finger tip and helps farmers to get fair price.
Financial and Insurance support
M-Anitra provides access to finance & insurance from formal and regulated channels, if required.
Veterinary support
Provide access to Veterinary health related information such as vaccination, disease outbreak, protective measures etc.
Platform for sharing essential information
Different allied support systems like suppliers of feed, feed ingredient, vaccine etc can post their information on the app which can be viewed by the farmers and other stakeholders.
Try M-Anitra app to explore a wide variety of Mithun with verified information like animal weight, socks colour, is animal vaccinated or not , health condition & other Mithun information; Assuring the best quality Mithun animal with traceability data, benefiting the Mithun farmers with right value for the mithun. Download the M-Anitra app now and experience, how M-Anitra can change the way you do Mithun monetization!